"If You Have An Emergency, And Need Someone there FAST, Rely On Us!"
We GUARANTEE that if you have an emergency that can't wait or is causing damage to your property then we will strive to attend to your property within 2 hours of your call* and in all cases we will call you on the phone as soon as you have made your booking on-line or over the phone to advise you how to limit any damage being caused or how to make your self safe until one of our team can be with you.
We have a vast experience in all aspects of plumbing, gas and central heating, no matter how big or small we can fix it or replace it, rest assured. Some problems however may require us to order spare parts and will not be able to be rectified in the same day, but we will if possible make temporary repairs until the spare parts become available.
Useful information for you to know before you contact us is the location of your gas, water and electric meters and make and model of any appliance that is faulty. But don't worry, if you can find this information, or don't know it, we will be able to guide you to this over the phone.
Remember, with any emergency call out, SPEED is the key to minimising any property damage, :
* – During normal working hours (9am – 7pm Monday to Saturday), otherwise we will call you back within 2 hours and advise you how to limit any damage before we can attend on the next working day.